beautifully done. This handmade oil painting is beautifully done. I am thrilled with this and would accept this enthusiastically as the final product, unless you tell me that there is a way, at this point in the process to darken the entire image somewhat. I can offer no specific direction in this regard. Again, a remarkable insight of the painter.
Jeff, Miami | Thank you! I ordered from y'all before and was very happy with the picture and frame. Thanks for your quick response. Looking forward to seeing it!
Anahita, | by far the best ... I have ordered from almost every canvas co. in Canada and your product is by far the best quality out there!!If anyone has clients you can ship direct to them and know they will be receiving the best canvas quality out there-bar none.All the little details [hangers,bumpers,dust wrap etc. are all a welcome bonus too.
debbie fontaine, Edmonton | I have received my order; beautifully packed, well built, immediate shipping, an efficient and professional business exchange.
Thank You!
Trixi, |