the Hummingbird eggs... Thank you! We love it. Thought you might like to know the Hummingbird eggs in the nest have now hatched! I keep thinking of new projects using your products.
Soosan, | I am blown away! It couldn\'t have been easier, right from the start, the web site is easy to navigate,quick response regarding order status,product delivered as promised.(complete with all hanging hardware)I will definitely be back. Well done!
Brad Widdifield, Lethbridge | The client loved the print... Just a note to say that the client loved the print.
Thanks for great service!
Peter, Vancouver | It's gorgeous... I'm very happy with your service. I thought your website shopping was well set up, and the delivery was great. But the best part is the piece of art I now have in our apartment. It's gorgeous. Thanks so much, and I would highly recommend you to anyone.
katie schaitel, Squamish |