quick reply Thank you, I appreciate your quick reply. I love these plaque mounts and plan to send my pictures soon. Your site is definitely the most user friendly and your custom services are far beyond what is offered elsewhere.
Haji Khanoom, Portland | it is awesome! Hi! I just wanted to let you guys know that I received my order (last week?) or so, and it is awesome! I think it looks amazing - you have done a wonderful job! Colors look more vivid than I expected. I would not hesitate to do it again. Thank you thank you!
Chris, | You did a fantastic job! I received my 2 canvas prints this week and I love them! You did a fantastic job! It was really quick and seamless and I really appreciated how you suggested the size that would work best, based off my initial order. I will recommend you anytime!
Jennifer Turner, Calgary | Frame quality The new frame arrived today—it is perfect! With the precise dimensions that spaces between the art and the outer frame are the ideal proportion for the small painting. Thank you for the great service and high quality!
Best Regards,
Marla, |