absolute delight We in the world have a tenancy to complain so I thought I would take a minute and highlight my absolute delight with the service I receive from your company. The quality of framing material is excellent and the quality of the completed frames is exceptional. They are delivered on a tight schedule and the packing is the best I have ever had. Cost is fair and I do get quality in each frame. Well done and thank your staff on my behave for their excellent quality of their efforts.
Gerry, | wood panels order Thank you, got it, beautiful piece! I like your custom-size artist wood panels.
Iana, | by far the best ... I have ordered from almost every canvas co. in Canada and your product is by far the best quality out there!!If anyone has clients you can ship direct to them and know they will be receiving the best canvas quality out there-bar none.All the little details [hangers,bumpers,dust wrap etc. are all a welcome bonus too.
debbie fontaine, Edmonton | love the quality I love the quality of the print with a very good price...I will recommend this company to my friends...
Mark, Edmonton |