I LOVE this service! I LOVE this service! Very reasonable prices and friendly people when calling in. I have ordered, and will be ordering several more, canvases!
Sarah Y., Columbus, Ohio | excellent service... Thank you for your excellent service, and prompt responses on questions and issues! Your service level is excellent and the quality of he products is as well, and I will definitely be using your services again!
Thank you!
Carina Lamont, Stockholm | it is awesome! Hi! I just wanted to let you guys know that I received my order (last week?) or so, and it is awesome! I think it looks amazing - you have done a wonderful job! Colors look more vivid than I expected. I would not hesitate to do it again. Thank you thank you!
Chris, | Just a quick note to say how impressed I am with the quality I receive for each and every order through your company. I\'m very happy with my most recent Aluminum Metal Print and the Plexi Face Mount. They both turned out with exceptional, true color. My only negative feedback is that you don\'t seem to offer special discounts for loyal customers who have placed several orders with you. A discount coupon shipped out with my current order would go a long way to ensure that my NEXT order is with you. Price still matters to my customers...
Joanne C, Calgary |